I had always been interested in fashion, but being 5’4 and 162lbs as a teenager, there are not a lot of stylish options out there. I remember searching for a Winter Formal dress and not being able to fit into anything. I cried in the dressing room of every store and my mom assured me that we were going to find the perfect dress. I hated shopping with friends because they always wanted to see how everything looked on me, but most of the time it would not even fit so I wouldn’t come out of the dressing room. I hated being fat, but chalked it up as “baby fat” that I would one day grow out of. I continued eating like a teenager, never thinking about what I was really putting into my body, and although the food that I ate wasn’t always unhealthy, it was just too much.
Me at my junior prom in 2006 at 162lbs
After coming home from a weekend trip to San Francisco with my best friend, I was sorting through photos from our adventure and posting them online. It wasn’t until I got half way through the photos that I noticed how big I had become. I was shocked and disgusted by myself and couldn’t believe that I actually looked that way. At this point, I was at my heaviest weight of 192lbs. Later that night, I was hanging out with my family, watching some awesomely terrible reality TV, when my dad said “I think I’m going to try The 3 Week Diet, my buddy did it and dropped a ton of weight and has kept it off.” I looked at him in that very moment and said “I’ll do it with you!” and my dad’s reply, “Ok, but you actually have to do it and follow the plan if we order it. No cheating!” The timing was perfect. Just hours after looking at photos of my chubby self and being so unhappy with my own body and not strong enough to confront it alone, this window of opportunity opened up. My sister even chimed in “not fair, I don’t want to be left out”. She is so positive and loving. You will never meet anyone as kind or as happy as my sister. I love my family and their support was key to my success. I can’t say it enough.
Halloween weekend in San Francisco 2015 at my heaviest of 192lbs.
Yes I was a loofah!
So after I got my copy of The 3 Week Diet I started it straight away. I couldn't believe the results! I was losing about a pound every day! The weight was practically falling off of me! Who knew losing weight could be this simple? Both my dad and sister were making the same kind of progress as well! I can't believe I didn't know about this diet before my dad told me!
At my 22nd birthday party in December at 132lbs
My 22nd birthday was just around the corner and I couldn’t wait to wear an adorable new dress and show off my new figure. I had an amazing night and loads of people were coming up to me saying how amazing I looked and asking how I managed to lose the weight so quickly! I told them that I started The 3 Week Diet with my dad and sister and they couldn't believe that something so easy worked so well! I never would've believed it either, but thanks to my dad and sisters support and encouragement, I've managed to get myself the body I've always dreamed of and can finally feel confident about myself!
Well, that's my weight loss journey! Thanks for reading! If you're interested in losing weight and want to have a look at the diet I used, a link to the site is here:
I highly recommend this to anyone wanting to lose weight quickly and finally achieve the body they've always dreamed of. I did that in just over 2 months and you can too!